Aluminum Beverage Cans
SCADA system is required for the entire can making process. The cans have to be washed, dried, coated with varnish and printed. Just to get an idea of how fast the printing machine runs, it processes 1,800 cans per minute. Finally, the cans are shaped at the top, and run through a vision system that photographs each one to ensure quality.
Food & Beverage
Business and organizations that produce, manage, regulate, and distribute food and beverages require monitoring systems. The food manufacturing supply chain is complex and therefore, it is crucial to have a well regulated and managed control system.
Sewerage Management
Sewerage management is a part of every running society. The various stages include physical treatment, biological treatment, filtration, and disinfection. For the effective supervision of each of these stages, SCADA softwares are deployed.
Transit authorities use SCADA technology to regulate electricity to subways, trams and trolley buses; to automate traffic signals for rail systems; to track and locate trains and buses; and to control railroad crossing gates.
SCADA can be used to monitor production lines to ensure that output goals are being met. SCADA can also control assembly line robots and monitor parts usage so that just-in-time inventory control can be implemented.
In the aerospace industry Ignition is used for data collection of critical manufacturing processes in order to provide quality control.
SCADA software is used in multiple industries to monitor and control processes. It has made its way in to textile mills as well to a certain extent. Primarily it can be seen deployed in the water treatment and Power Generation portions of textile mills. The most extensive and productive use of SCADA can be in the textile processing sector.
Modern ships have an automatic system control which includes control, alarm and monitoring system that have access to all process control station and can monitor them.
All this is itself monitored and controlled through powerful SCADA Softwares. Within the shipbuilding industry it is also known as ship management system.